Our Team

Dr. Manfred Kaufmann

1984 - 1988 Trainee Dental Technician in Schleswig-Holstein
1988 - 1990 Dental Technician in Wiesbaden
1990 - 1995 University Studies of Dentistry in Hamburg
1995 - 1998 Internship in a dental surgery in Hamburg
1998 - present day Self-employed in a joint practice with Dr. Bernd Dellwig
2001 - 2003 Post-Graduate Education: Implantology
Since 2003 Member of German Society of Implantology
2003 Receipt of Doctorate
Since 2004 Member of the Academy of Science and Practice
2008 - 2009 Post-Graduate Education: Functional Diagnostics and Functional Therapy
2011 Post-Graduate Education: CEREC Technology

Dr. Bernd Dellwig

1987 - 1990 Trainee Violin Maker
1990 - 1995 University Studies of Dentistry in Hamburg
1995 - 1997 Internship in Hamburg Dental University
Since 1998 - present day  Self-employed in a joint practice with Dr. Kaufmann
Since 2000 Post-Graduate Study Group in Implantology and Parodontology with Prof. Mick  Dragoo
Since 2000 Member of the Study Group Prof. Mick Dragoo
2003 Receipt of Doctorate
Since 2010 Member of the Global Academy of Biologic Dentistry
2011 Post-Graduate Education: CEREC Technology
2012 - 2013 Post-Graduate Education: Holistic Orthodontics
2017 Specialist for biological Dentistry and Ceramic Implants

Simon Chmiel

Assistenz Zahnarzt

2010 - 2014   Ausbildung zum Zahntechniker in Hamburg  
2014 - 2020   Gesellentätigkeit als Zahntechniker  
2015 - 2018   Vorklinischer Abschnitt des Studiums der Zahnmedizin in Kiel  
2018 - 2020   Klinischer Abschnitt des Studiums der Zahnmedizin in Hamburg  
2020 -2021   Zahnärztlicher Prüfung  
2021 - 2022   Zahnärztliche Assistenz in Hamburg  
2023   Zahnärztliche Assistenz bei Kaufmann & Dellwig  
September 2023   Angestellter Zahnarzt bei Kaufmann & Dellwig  

Sandra Papp

Dentalhygienikerin, Heilpraktikerin

2006   Zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte
Seit 2010   Angestellt in der Praxis Kaufmann & Dellwig  
2012   Aufstiegsfortbildung zur Zahnmedizinischen, Prophylaxeassistentin in Rostock  
2014   Aufstiegsfortbildung zur Dentalhygienikerin am NFI in Hamburg, Mitglied der DGDH  
2019   Schüßler Salze und Antlitzanalyse  
2020   Biologische Prophylaxe, Anwendung ätherischer Öle  
2021   Inhaltstoffe in Zahnpflegeprodukten im Natural Aromaprophylaxe Zentrum in Dormagen  
2022   Heilpraktikerin  


We ensure that all members of our team take part in regular internal and external training courses. This ensures continuous improvement for the benefit of our patients.

Melanie Behrenstengel

Office Manager

Kirsten Kayser

Dental Administrative Assistant

Loreen Kitzmann

Dental Nurse

Sarah Kiewitt

Dental Nurse

Nina Poggensee

Dental Nurse

Katja Drewling

Dental Nurse

Stefanie Schwardt

Dental Nurse

Jasmin Stienen

Zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte

Joana Luth

Dental Nurse

Anja Peters

Dental Hygienist

Christin Hinrichs

Dental Hygienist

Katja Zawrel

Dental Hygienist

Birgit Zdahl

Dental Hygienist

Leonore Munoz Jimenez


Meike Fechner

Dental Technician

Meike Pieper

Dental Technician

Rachel Kaufmann

Back Office

Rosalina Bruhn


Natalie Saß


Mariane-Lina Sadat


Nawid Nabizada
