
Gum disease

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is the inflammation and infection of gums, ligaments, bone, and other tissues surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two main forms of periodontal disease. It is also known as gum disease or pyorrhea.

Plaque formed from bacteria, food remains and a variety of damaging by-products collects in the gum pockets around the teeth and can lead to infection and inflammation of the tissue. Plaque must be systematically removed, if not it will eventually lead to periodontal disease (an advanced form of gingivitis - gum disease). When gum disease destroys the ligaments attaching the tooth to the gum and the underlying bone, the tooth falls out.  

What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?

  • Red and swollen gums
  • Spontaneous bleeding, pain and bad breath
  • Pus-filled tissue around the teeth
  • Exposed roots
  • Loose teeth

What can you do?
As with caries, the risk of gum disease and ensuing periodontitis can be minimised. Regular and thorough oral hygiene using a toothbrush, floss and interdental brushes is absolutely vital. At the first sign of gum disease you should contact your dentist.

How can we help?
After establishing how deep the inflamed tissue is, we can begin with the removal of plaque both above and below the gum line. Using special ultrasound instruments we remove deep-seated plaque and polish the surface of the root at the same time. This helps prevent further plaque from forming.  

Advanced periodontal disease may need surgical treatment depending on the extent of the damage.

For more information see Periodontal Disease.

New Software for Periodontal Diagnosis

Our team of hygienists now have access to an innovative new software for the analysis and diagnosis of periodontal disease (tooth decay and gum disease). "Parostatus" is the first software of its kind to be accredited by the Germany Society for Periodontal Disease - DGP. 

Thanks to the details this enables us to compile we can record and illustrate all the necessary periodontal information and analyses on an individual patient. This helps us ensure the highest quality hygiene treatment contributing to your dental care.

The software processes the data allowing us to supply the patient with an individual risk profile in the form of simple, straightforward printouts illustrating by text and graphics best practice for continuing your dental care between treatments. This also facilitates improved monitoring of your dental care at each visit.